Free the Pill Policy Agenda in the Time of COVID-19: Policy Recommendations to Expand Contraceptive Access. Ibis Reproductive Health with Myra Batchelder, October 2020.

E-Courses 1 and 2, Women Deliver with Myra Batchelder and Vanessa Brocato, 2016.

Two Sides of the Same Coin: Integrating Economic and Reproductive Justice. Reproductive Health Technologies Project with Myra Batchelder, August 2015.

Moving in a New Direction: A Proactive State Policy Resource for Promoting Reproductive Health, Rights, and  Justice. Center for Reproductive Rights with Myra Batchelder, December 2014. 

Establishing a Global Network to Identify, Challenge and Mitigate Abortion Stigma: Background Report. Kati leTourneau, Myra Batchelder, and Leila Hessini. Ipas, 2014.

Insurance and Access Implications of an Over-the-Counter Switch for a Progestin-Only Pill. Jennifer McIntosh, Britt Wahlin, Kate Grindlay, Myra Batchelder, and Daniel Grossman. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, September 2013.

Young Women Are Rewriting the Rules of Funding and Movement Building. Humanitarian and International Development NGOs Domain, Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Harvard University blog, February 12, 2012. (Reposted on Frida Fund website)

Expanding Public Health Insurance Coverage for EC: Updated February 2010. Myra Batchelder and Aileen Gleizer. National Institute for Reproductive Health, February 2010.

Expanding Local Access to Abortion Toolkit. Myra Batchelder and Pooja Awatramani. National Institute for Reproductive Health, July 2009.

Paying Too High a Price? A Diagnosis for Over-the-Counter Contraception. RH Reality Check, January 29, 2009.

Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Ensuring Abortion Coverage in Universal Health Care. Women’s Health Activist, National Women’s Health Network Newsletter, March/April 2008.

Up to Our Eyeballs: How Shady Lenders and Failed Economic Policies Are Drowning Americans in Debt. Jose Garcia, James Lardner, Cindy Zeldin, with assistance from Myra Batchelder and Jennifer Wheary. The New Press, March 2008.

Expanding Medicaid Coverage for EC on the State Level. National Institute for Reproductive Health, June 2007. 

The Marriage Placebo. Alternet and,  October 4, 2006.

Will Future Doctors Be Forced to Teach Abstinence? Alternet, July 20, 2006.

Who is the Medical Institute for Sexual Health? Choice Magazine, Planned Parenthood Website, July 2006.

Tuition 101: Higher Rates Don’t Add Up. Myra Batchelder and Jennifer Wheary. Newsday (NY), June 27, 2006.

Who is Leslee Unruh? Choice Magazine, Planned Parenthood Website, May 2006.

Be a Sex Ed Advocate. Teenwire, Planned Parenthood Website, January 2006.

Community Action Kit. Myra Batchelder, Martha Kempner, and Claudia Trevor. SIECUS, April 2005.

Many Debates, Many Players: Controversies Over Sexuality Education During the 2003-04 School Year. SIECUS Report, Fall 2004.

Trends 2002-03: A Tug-of-War Between Abstinence-Only and Comprehensive Sexuality Education. SIECUS Report, Fall 2003.

Comments Regarding Teen Pregnancy Prevention and Teen Parents Provisions in the Reauthorization of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Block Grant. Jodie Levin-Epstein, Christine Grisham, and Myra Batchelder. CLASP, November 2001.

Reauthorization Issues: Reproductive Health Issue Briefs. Jodie Levin-Epstein, Christine Grisham, and Myra Batchelder. CLASP, November 2001 (updated January 2002).